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Posts posted by youeatcandy

  1. What do you think about a new quest type?

    Players would get the quest from the trader like normal, but it's unlike any other kind of quest. For now, let's call the new quest variant "Bounty".

    Upon taking a Bounty, a quest marker is placed just outside of the trader for the player to activate at their leisure. However, when activated, a timer is started and a countdown from 60 minutes appears at the top corner of your screen. You have 1 hour to slay as many SLEEPER zombies as possible!


    Each quest tier of Bounty is as follows:

    T1: 100 Dukes for every 5th sleeper zombie

    T2: 250 Dukes for every 10th sleeper zombie

    T3: 500 Dukes for every 15th sleeper zombie

    T4: 1,000 Dukes for every 20th sleeper zombie

    T5: 2,000 Dukes for every 25th sleeper zombie


    A simplified version of the description (see above) could also appear near the timer on screen with an active counter to track your kills and Dukes earned. A sound effect could be used for each time the player earns a new bounty.

    Because of the how the higher tiered Bounty quests are set up, player's would be encouraged to explore higher tier poi's in an effort to find more zombies per minute.

    So, with each tier there is a higher reward but at a higher risk. Additionally, with each consecutive tier the bounty price is exponentially increased. Notice from t1 to t2 the bounty price is increased by 100+50 Dukes. But from each tier after t1 to t2, the bounty is doubled from that of the previous tier.


    To compare earnings equally, we'll use the least common multiple of 300 sleeper zombies. Therefore, for every 300 sleeper zombies killed, a player can earn the following for each quest tier:

    T1: 6,000 Dukes

    T2: 7,500 Dukes

    T3: 10,000 Dukes

    T4: 15,000 Dukes

    T5: 24,000 Dukes


    The player would NOT receive a bonus item of their choice from the trader, but only their well-earned bounty (Dukes).

    The catch--and flavor text--is that the Duke himself wants the whole town/ area cleared before his men come to loot the area (but the loot would still be there for you to loot later). Therefore, if you loot anything (except for dropped loot bags) during the Bounty quest you forfeit the bounty.

    Also, I can see how resetting the whole town or every poi in the world would be problematic, so I suggest either (1) making it so the player's claim block prevents a poi from resetting, or (2) activating a Bounty quest wouldn't reset any poi.

    I suggest either (a) making this kind of quest only available once per tier; becoming an option for the last quest before unlocking the next tier of quests. Or, (b) making them more rare than other quests.

    What do you think???

  2. 1 minute ago, Crypted said:

    This will be tonight on twitch @fubar_prime

    Gotchya thank you, but the initial announcement about the stream tonight that you shared with me--where can I look for that? Twitter? This site? Somewhere else? Sorry I wasn't clear the first time.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Crypted said:

    TFP continues the Developer Streams tonight at 9 PM CST! Join the Art Team with Host & Sr. Developer Lathan (@fubar_prime) for an in-depth look at the new Art coming to A21!



    Thanks! Where was this so I can go there next time and not waste anyone else's time?

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