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Posts posted by Alphado-Jaki

  1. Hello, sphereii.

    I've refined my ModInfo-s and master URL list of modlets.


    Could you add them to your default profile?

    Here is my master list.



    Also, I have a question.

    Some of my modlets have addon. Of course, I specified that dependency in modinfo.

    But if you have the way to show dependency, I will use that.

    Is there a feature for addon to specific modlet?

  2. @StompyNZ Looks nice. I have no knowledge about hub spawning though, I can understand your contribution is the super awesome thing. :D


    But I'm sure that you can set up complex biome distribution using current biome_generator.


  3. @Tin Thanks! I've forgot to mention about that problem. I don't know why, but empirically we know completely flat terrain prevents hub/ biome/ deco generation.


    Just by using my initial landBase modules it'll work just fine. In my case "LandClamp"



    Nice, how is the hub generation going?

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