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Everything posted by Alphado-Jaki

  1. Works very nice. Thank you for updating this eagerly.
  2. Vanilla version.....? No way, you mean this doesn't require sdx?
  3. New op looks so cool. I'm made to wanna buy new pc to try this again with best instrument, seriously.
  4. Hello, sphereii. I've refined my ModInfo-s and master URL list of modlets. Could you add them to your default profile? Here is my master list. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlphadoJaki/7D2D_SphereII_Config/master/Alpha17/Alphado.txt Also, I have a question. Some of my modlets have addon. Of course, I specified that dependency in modinfo. But if you have the way to show dependency, I will use that. Is there a feature for addon to specific modlet?
  5. Hey, those UI are looks furthermore improved!!! Awesome. I haven't expected as A17 project is going to this extent. Keep up your cool work. I'm really excited to see UL A17 version.
  6. @FastBurst entityclasses.xml:line 12 <entity_classes>
  7. ends-with is not working because their xpath version is below 2.0.
  8. XPath and XQuery functions are mixed up, so not all of them are available, but here is a part of reference used in []. https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xsl_functions.asp
  9. Nice work. I think condition last() ,pick up last node from current nodes, is useful for some case.
  10. Nice attempt. Oh, wait. Upcoming feature!? If you mean it as some kind of tool for terrain modding, then... I've got another hype train waiting to aboard on. It's amazing
  11. I found the video of this mod on YouTube. Because of limited resolution in YouTube, its just 1080p, though worth watching for those who haven't tried this mod yet.
  12. Hmm, you may need to update OPs. Finally, your mod pack includes awesome sdx contents. EAC incompatible.
  13. There exist lots of less stimulating but effectively emphasising color schemes for GUI. Such as solarized. https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/
  14. Enough for reserve? Is it about time I can give you applause?
  15. @StompyNZ Looks nice. I have no knowledge about hub spawning though, I can understand your contribution is the super awesome thing. But I'm sure that you can set up complex biome distribution using current biome_generator.
  16. @Tin Thanks! I've forgot to mention about that problem. I don't know why, but empirically we know completely flat terrain prevents hub/ biome/ deco generation. Nice, how is the hub generation going?
  17. Looks nice. Works better performance than I've expected. For some feedback, including bug report, which place is nice? here or discord?
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