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Posts posted by Tristam

  1. Lam's Tristam's Crafting Tier 03-27-21 Crafting Perk for Combiner



    Credits to LAM for framework of this mod.  When used with Lam's Master Mod, adds a new perk, Crafting Tier, under the LAM tree that adds 1 crafting quality per tier.  So on a new game, 1 rank will make all your weapons craft at level 2.  Stacks with default perks, so a Tier 1 in Deadeye and Tier 1 in Crafting Tier will produce Level 3 Perception Weapons.  With this mod, you can craft level 6 weapons, but it's really for mods that grant workbenches the old combine function.   Without this mod,  you will only be able to combine items up to a certain level.  Usually 4 or 2.  Now you can go all the way to tier 6 if you so desire.  Costs 2 points per rank until rank 3, in which it becomes 3 points.


    ReQuests 03-27-21 fixes and icons






    Fixed the broken quests.

    Burnt Forest icons are now red to better differentiate them from Wasteland's.

    Added text to quests when you read them describing the quest in a lore friendly way.

    Quests are now named properly in your quest log.

    All quests can now be seen on your map.

    Rewards of some quests were not given out properly, this is fixed.  Ammo quests now only offer ammo as a reward.  All quests (with one exception) still offer EXP and Dukes.


    New icons for the brand new quests to fit the theme.  Vehicle parts are shown for quests that reward parts.  A vehicle is displayed for quests that reward the vehicle itself.  In this version, only the 4x4 has a vehicle reward, which is available alongside its Parts version.  Other vehicles only offer Part quests att, and the Gyro is not included at all.


    Probably some other crap I forgot about.



    An updated and fixed version of my ReQuests mod.  Allows the crafting of a Bulletin Board that spits out quests once a week.  Old thread and thorough description here:


    Tactical Action by IvanDX.  Updated to 19.4 with various tweaks to be more in line with vanilla.  Original thread here:


  2. 1 hour ago, iGinto said:

    I love this MOD!!!


    Here are some suggestions. 

    1. The Quest Paper can be scraped to 4 paper, which means I can get a lot of papers every week without any cost. So could you please add a recipe for every Quest Paper with 5 or more papers?

    2. I think it is better to make the Board one of built-in structure in a trader house. And All the Boards in different traders post same quests. And it is better for me to remove vallina trader quest to rebalance the mod.


     Thanks for your WORK again, I am looking for some mod like this for a long time.

    Your appreciation is appreciated.

    I've never edited a vanilla POI before and have no idea what files I'd have to pack to redistribute it.  It would be a great solution as opposed to people building separate boards in their bases, I suppose.  But if I did that, I would have to give the quests themselves a cost so that someone couldn't just take them all. The problem though is that if I were to do that, the rich would get richer as end-game players could just buy up all the quests as soon as they spawn.  Without some other way to balance it out, I'm going to have to keep it as-is.

    As far as making it so that they scrap to paper, I'm probably going to pass on that as well. Since paper can be made into explosives, ammo, and various other things.  Going out to get that sort of stuff is part of the game, and while paper is far from the most exciting thing to get, the fact that you need to get it and the time it takes you helps keep the game balanced.  Otherwise shotguns would be king, since 1/3rd of their ingredients would land right in your lap.

  3. Glad to get some feedback.

    I got some errors while using some of the quests that send me for vehicles.  I'll upload a new version with those fixed either tonight or tomorrow.


    After brainstorming with a friend, the current route this mod will be taking is that you'll be awarded a generic quest paper that can then be turned into the other quests.  Higher tier quests cost more Quest Paper (QP).  You'll be offered QP from the Bulletin Board weekly and also rarely in the Secret Stash of the Trader.  This is so that if you cancel your quests or otherwise lock yourself out of the quest -> QP -> quest loop, there's some way to get back in.  Initially, you'll only have, say, 4 quest papers.  Which is 4 tier 1's, 2 tier 2's, or 1 tier 3 with a paper leftover.  When you do Special Trader quests to point you to a new trader, your reward will be more QP's.  This will continue until you hit Tier 5.  I don't currently know if I can then have a custom quest that will kick in after completing your last, vanilla, Special Quest or not.  But if so, I'll make it so that every 10 quests you complete will net you one more paper. 


    This setup should keep players from screwing themselves over with their own incompetence (though nothing is every truly fool proof) while at the same time preventing ReQuests from being entirely overpowered from the jump compared to vanilla quests or in general.  Players who do nothing but quest can just do it more, and those who wish to go in a different direction should still be well supported.  QP should be a great bargaining chip while trading with other players too, considering.

  4. I learned how to make this mod from reverse engineering other authors' works.  A common practice among them is to put in a line like that so you can get a yellow error and know the mod successfully loaded.  It helps with troubleshooting.  Feel free to remove it if it bothers you.


    I was thinking about reducing the rewards you get in comparison to the vanilla mods, but the prices and such escape me.  Even removing all dukes you get would probably ultimately net you more dukes because you can sell whatever rewards you earn.  Hard to think of a way to balance this with anything but how I play it.


    1 of each Quest Notes ver





    50 of each Quest Notes ver



    This mod, while fully functional, is a WIP in my eyes.  It needs heavy rebalancing in order to not throw the game for a loop.  I've posted it here so that people can give me feedback on what they would want in a new version.


    As is, the mod adds a new recipe: Bulletin Board.  When place, this board spawns Quest Papers once a week.  Those quest papers can be read to give you the quests they describe.  Most are duplicates of vanilla quests.  Others will offer specific rewards such as Bike Parts, Weapons, Ammo, or Medicine.  The names of the Quest Papers will tell you what biome the quest will take place in.  If no biome is listed, it will be random.  If you read a Quest Book for a quest that does not exist, such as a Tier 4 Wasteland Quest in a map that has no Tier 4 POI in the Wasteland, you will get a quest location that says "No Trader."  Simply remove the quest from your quest log and pick something else.

    The quests I designed are meant to be fun and convenient far more than being balanced.  When you are sent to a POI to clear it out, you'll have to kill X amount of zombies.  The higher the tier, the more zombies you have to deal with.  They don't have to be the zombies in the POI you were sent to-- any zombies will do.

    For those who care about my logic behind the design of this mod, it's as follows:

    1. Spoiler


      1. You kill X amount of zombies instead of clearing a POI because it isn't fun to go through an entire skyscraper, especially alone, and miss a single room of zombies you then have to hunt down.  Worse so if you miss enough zombies that the game doesn't point out which room they're in.
      2. I didn't want to have to spec intelligence if I wanted a vehicle or wait until my gamestage was high enough for them to appear in the trader.
      3. I turned up my game difficulty by increasing the zombie spawn.  I wanted a way to balance the scales a bit by giving myself a surefire way to get resources.  I was aiming for my game to be more "action packed" and less "difficult" in my design.
      4. I set it up so that you get 50 of each Quest paper each week.  As is, the Bulletin Board is easy to create (10 nails, 100 wood) and I know people would just craft 100 of them and plaster their base with it rather than follow some arbitrary one-board-per-base self-imposed rule.  So long as someone doesn't come along and take all the papers for an entire team, you'll be fine.  And even if they do, make another one.
      5. There's no way for you to absolutely know which papers will work until you try them.  I didn't want people to get a bad roll of a bunch of quest papers they couldn't use.  The mod is designed to take randomness out of the game, not add it in.
      6. I made it cheap because you can go to a trader in the first 10 mins of a game, so I wanted you to get access to this mod asap as well.
      7. I didn't like waiting until I had farmed quest after quest to get to the higher tier quests.  I revel in the challenge of doing top tier quests with under-leveled characters.  The vanilla game supports it as well since you can share quests with friends.
      8. It helps new players catch up to late game players if they join the game late.
      9. I'm considering making the bulletin board an item you get only when you first enter the game, but I also didn't want people to be crippled if that one board is destroyed.  Letting it be created by a rare item keeps it from being easily accessible, and making it super sturdy encourages using it to stave off hordes.  I also don't want the item given out by vanilla quests, as it'll clutter quest rewards when you no longer need them.
      10. I don't like only being able to accept one quest at a time from a trader, when they are holding on to several at once.  Just feels like extra back and forth to me, though I know that it's designed to eat up daylight.


    I'm looking for suggestions on how to improve the mod.  I'm thinking about making quests that take place in various biomes reward more based on the difficulty of said biome.  So it'd be Pine Forest -> Desert/Snow -> Burnt Forest ->Wasteland

    I've also considered having a new McGuffin rewarded when you complete quests, and those are used to craft the higher level quests.  But I didn't want to do that since it would, again, suck if you couldn't start the quest since you had no POI for it.


    If anyone knows how to keep two bulletin boards from being in close proxy, lmk.  I tried taking info from the trees and seeds under block.xml but to no avail.

  6. 1 hour ago, Falcon197 said:

    Pretty sure it's not in the XMLs either, as I have looked for it but not with a fine-tooth comb.  I'd think it would be an easy removal.

    In the original thread, it was said that it'd be removed in an update.  We'd probably have to wait for that.

  7. On 3/22/2021 at 2:09 PM, Falcon197 said:


    I second this.

    Never looked into it before.  I'll give it a once-over but I suspect it's baked into the models or something where I can't reach it.  I'm not familiar with unity yet.  I haven't noticed any lines referring to the item's names in any XML's I've edited, but I haven't been looking either.

    I can remove the viruses and/or the powers that the screamer and fat zombies have though.  But as someone else mentioned, you can delete the buffs and entity classes.  Doing so, however, will cause you to miss out on other features such as heavier guns slowing down your movement or gun jams.

  8. 32 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    A localization.txt file in a mod is combined with the vanilla one when the game runs. So it won't have any issues with other mods as long as there aren't any entries with the same name. Which is unlikely. And may not even cause issues anyway.

    So do I put the localization text in the mods folder, or do I throw it under... somewhere else?

  9. 2 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    What exactly is the issue with it? And why can't you edit the localization file?

    I can edit it, I just don't want to do it directly.  I think there's a way to append the data to it, rather than edit it directly, making it more compatible with other mods.

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