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Telly G

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Telly G last won the day on October 13 2019

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About Telly G

  • Birthday 09/22/1994

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  1. Functionally speaking, there is no difference between calling something 'alpha' and 'version'. 'early access' is a worthless distinction other than to say that something is in active development. The devs are currently at Twitchcon shilling something, including the much awaited for the lower castes console version update, which likely because the people running the stores on the consoles are who they are, will mean they have to sell it as a separate title rather than pushing the update to existing owners.
  2. Maybe not something so big, but def content only available after when you kill the duke.
  3. More that there's a lack of a true mid/late game. I used to go to like day 60+ on a world before either needing or wanting to reset cos versions would update faster back then making it more neccesary. Yknow what would be really cool, proper bandit POIs with quests and quest bosses relating to them being necessary to complete the main quest and work your way up to killing the final boss, The Duke of Navesgane. And killing the Duke at his massive casino fortress that is always somewhere on the map would be the game's Ender dragon. Killing the Duke would open up say, a deep underground massive labyrinthine late game bunker complex that stretches across the majority of the map with entrances in various places. This bunker has protective ownership by the Duke till his demise, same for his castle, at least until the quest to defeat him is active for the castle.
  4. Despite a lack of workshop integration we do have https://7daystodiemods.com/ and many of these are mirrored on NexusMods. I wish 7dtdm had a better means to search through their site cos its kind of archaic.
  5. The multiplayer question is not everything in multiplayer is co-op looting so how does the dedicated builder get better tools to gather resources for the base if the others do not have mining tools specced? I have seen this be brought up repeatedly when you n the others seem to miss the point that it's still entirely RNG based, even if you can weight it in certain directions. Ppl divide themselves into roles in multiplayer and Ive seen more than one ppl say they have a dedicated POI looter or two in their small group on the server. I really don't understand the pushback against being able to recycle unwanted progression books into a resource to get what you want more at certainly a higher rate like 2 recycled to 1 handmade + resources like paper and whatever else needed.
  6. I think the heart of the issue here is that 7dtd's mid to late game (everything after the first week or two) is kind of non existent apart from stronger zombie variants appearing in hordes. There's not much reason to not just start a new game to redo the early game after a month in game which is an issue. The LBL system just needs like 1 or 2 things added to it to make it so much more appealing. Yes, yes, I know you get more of what you spec into, but that doesn't address the multiplayer question. Instead of scrapping into paper schematics and perk/skill magazines should scrap into a resource that you can use to make things you're missing or want to specifically spec into without relying on RNG. The core of this idea is from the Undead Legacy mod overhaul's research workbenches.
  7. unless the dyeing system is overhauled to not just be a full color tint for a more ARK style of doing it with individual color regions that take coloring better then who cares that we can tint it green like we already can?. 6 armor slots is pretty standard in tons and tons of RPG games. (slot 7 could be back now that I think of it)
  8. With bandito AI in A21 I bet that ppl will just base pathing off them for followers than what they currently do with NPCMod and other such things. I dont know why 'but they give perks tho' is always the go to response when thats not what people mean with 4 slots is too few.
  9. I really hope that the armor system has 6 or 7 slots cos 4 is just too low compared to the 12 now. Something like head, shoulders, arms, legs, feet, and chest (maybe underarmor) It would also fit nicer with the perk magazines being around that much for full sets.
  10. If I wanted to use kinggen to use the arcane trader POIs from the Sorcery mod how would I go about that?
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd_uA4dA110 Guns, Nerds + Steel started a new series using the Undead Legacy modpack. There's some changes that I really would love to see integrated for the upcoming A21. Namely how it handles recipes to make it less entirely RNG dependent. I dont think there would need to be any special tables apart from the existing work bench maybe but in a nutshell it's a research station to be able to make recipes by scrapping found ones for a resource called 'research data' This same concept could easily apply to the upcoming skill magazine system and would make me a lot more open to it. The fully UI'd fallout 3 lockpicking minigame tho with modern features you'd want and expect is also pretty great.
  12. Actually you could do these random encounter escort missions you'll start seeing about say 50-60% of the way through the game to fully restore every weapon in your inventory's repair slots in the first game.
  13. barrels have always exploded when struck, they just made it so only certain things explode barrels now.
  14. I hope the armor overhaul has at least 6 armor slots instead of just 4. (head, shoulders, body, hands, legs, feet, or one slot for each limb like in the surge 2) cos 4 is too few to go from the 12 there is now. First person view models that reflect what you're wearing on your arms would be stellar. And this is a bigger ask but making the dyeing of gear better than a simple color tint of the entire model.
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