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Everything posted by Telric

  1. Though I haven't modded in a very long time, the way past Telric would do it would be to have an onupdate buff that resets the stat every .1 second. That's the only method I know, though. Could be another way that's more efficient.
  2. I've never tried a double like that. There is a requirements tag that can do OR. I would assume it would do AND as well. <requirements compare_type="or"> <requirement name="PlayerItemCount" item_name="resourceTalkToCommoner" operation="GTE" value="1"/> <requirement name="PlayerItemCount" item_name="resourceTalkToEnnen" operation="GTE" value="1"/> </requirements> That's something I've used a good deal, but never with an AND compare type. Might be worth a try doing your way first.
  3. Wrapping triggers inside a requirement should work for this. <requirement LTE 2> <trigger> </trigger> </requirement> <requirement GT 2> <trigger> </trigger> </requirement> that would wrap anything within the requirement tag to require LTE 2. if not, it skips all of that code and goes to the next requirement check for GT 2. if so, triggers anything within that block of code.
  4. Thanks for handling that update, arramus! I'll add it to the front page.
  5. That looks correct atleast! Glad we got it all worked out. Have fun modding!
  6. almost there. this is not valid stuffs. adding an xpath inside another xpath. treat insertbefore just as you would an append. it just happens before another node. inside the insertbefore stuff, write out the lootgroup stuff you want. so copy another lootgroup, paste it between the tags, then change it to whatever values you want.
  7. Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant the control F search function, not the forum search. But, seems you found atleast some examples of it all. Hope ya get it sorted!
  8. I've never used chatgpt, so idk what all goes in to get the correct answers. The fine gents and ladies of the forum have done plenty to help with learning stuff Once in there, search for: <set xpath=""> That will help you with the possible xpath targets and what they do. Onc What I would do is use insertBefore. Add the new lootgroup to the one you want to add your lootgroup to. So if you're adding groupT1Repair, do the insertBefore to groupT1. That way your new group is loaded before the vanilla groupT1 is. Then, I would use a simple append for adding your lootgroups to the vanilla lootgroups. This ensures proper loading order. If you then do any kind of lootcontainers changes, I'd use a simple append as well. Btw that forum thread has a lot more information than chatgpt will, as it's based on this specific use of xpath. Not a normal use, but a specific 7dtd use of it.
  9. Okay, maybe you're on the experimental, but my loot.xml from stable does not have groupToolsT1Repair as a valid lootgroup. Either way, that is not valid xpath either. <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupToolsT1Repair']" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT1"/> if you're trying to append to the groupTOolsT1Repair group, it would be just : <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupToolsT1Repair']"/> ChatGPT may say that about the order of things, but it all depends. Some of the xmls do not require specific orders, such as buffs. Loot does. You must define a lootgroup above a container or other group that calls on that first lootgroup. Even the error that was mentioned points to it needing to be in order. Append also puts things at the end of whatever node you're going into. so if a lootgroup has 4 items and you append a new one, that new one will be number 5. If you want to make it higher up, you'd need to use insertBefore, with a direct xpath to the specific node.
  10. These stand out, right before the first error. I looked on vanilla files, and there is no grouptoolst1repair. So, first off.. if that's part of a mod, you need to make sure that mod is loaded before whatever mod you're doing, as that lootgroup is not defined before it's called in your mod. Second, i do not believe that's a proper path on the first part: <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupToolsT1Repair']" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT1" if you're trying to set the loot_quality, you gotta change that path. if it's just a typo or something, it could be interfering with some code. It's been a while since i modded, but you would need to use the set attribute xpath to add the loot_qual stuff. <setattribute xpath = "/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupToolsT1Repair']/loot_quality_template">QLTemplateT1</setattribute> something like that. again, i haven't modded in quite some time and i do not have an example on hand of the setattribute, but that's what you'd use. might have to research the actual code needed for the setattribute. Third thing is the actual error that pops up is telling you the "groupToolsT1Repair" group is not defined before being called. So, hopefully the first thing I said will fix it, minus the possible xpath error in number 2.
  11. Hard to know what "blows up" means... but at a guess, maybe the lootgroup is defined after the one you're editing. As xmls are loaded top down, if the tool group is coded after the toolbox group, it'll... "blow up".
  12. Would need logs to see what's going on, though I'm not modding right now. None of my mods were tested to work with any other mods, besides ones that have specific text saying so. Could be some naming conflict on an item, or anything. But first I'd need to see the log from your appdata folder. That will tell me what mods you're using and where the error took place.
  13. If nothing has changed since a20, you can leave fields blank. TM_B,,,,The Mechanic You need as many commas as there are fields.
  14. That's correct. I don't think any of mine are, actually. They all add some sort of unity or icon element.
  15. I don't think that's the issue here. I've read this thing 6+ times and still have no idea what you're talking about or what you want, much less what it has to do with the title. What's the LOS issue? Are you sure you're not using partial blocks that have visibility to you? As for a damage slider, there is an overall setting that you can control. It does all the zombie block damage, not just the smaller ones though. Other than that, I've got nothing due to not understanding.
  16. Did you download it to your local as well? Needs to be both on the server and in your personal files.
  17. You'd be saying that, along with many more censored words, if you had more than 54 clay in the forge and were allowed to pick it up. Plenty of other threads have been around about losing hours worth of ores and stone simply for picking a forge up.
  18. it requires client and server to have the files. thanks! Thanks! Ill check it out and see what i need to do.
  19. Slight correction, i do get the warning about modinfo being out of date. not sure what the new way of doing it is, but the mod loads up fine besides that and a reference to the emptyjar (for filling at sinks, etc). I have all four master blocks in the recipes tab and holding R while equipped brings up all the items in those master blocks. So just ignore the warnings for now!
  20. Same answer as above you. Just depends on when i feel like doing mods. I'm working on my own game and learning how to do all of that, so it's taking up a good bit of my time. Modding is a side project, so if i come home from work and feel the itch to mod, ill see what i can do. Do you have the master blocks in recipes? Those 4 or 5 blocks (cant remember how many now) have all the blocks in them. As for the warnings, i never got those when i was updating to a21. Since they are just warnings, can be ignored. I'm not sure what it means by v2. I havent really looked into modding, just enough to get these mods to work in SP a21.
  21. I'm not sure yet. I tried fixing up the horses mod. I got all the errors out, but buffs do not work on vehicles, so... that's how my horses were done. Husbandry may be better off since i didnt use vehicles in that (if i remember right), but it just depends when i get around to it.
  22. Mods that are more complex will require more time and effort to be put in, in order to update them to a21. I'll be working on those as I can, but for now, enjoy some of the more easily updated mods! If there are any issues, feel free to let me know on this, or on my discord: Discord Telrics Horses A21 - Arramus has kindly updated the A20 version of horses to work with A21. You can find the info on it here: Decorative Modlets Decoration Pack A21 - A simple set of blocks used for decoration. Build a "master" block, then choose the shape you'd like. Some blocks can be interacted with. (A21 B324) Weapon Modlets Flamethrower A21 - Find the schematic in order to craft yourself a flamethrower. You can also craft a few varied canisters to change the color of the flames. (A21 B324) Utility Modlets Healthbars V1 A21 - The OG version of the healthbars, made by Mumphy. These will activate once an enemy has been attacked, and will display a percentage of their current health in the form of a healthbar. (A21 B324) Healthbars V2 A21 - A second version of the healthbar, made by myself. Displays a percentage of the enemy's health in a more compact, circular area. (A21 B324) Sleeping Mod A21 - With this, you can sleep through the nights. Build up your sleepiness throughout the day, then when you're ready to sleep, craft a bedroll (does not work with beds) and CROUCH while ontop of it. Time will begin passing quickly. During this time you cannot use tools or weapons, but you can cancel sleeping at any time by standing or moving off of the bedroll. - Sleeping while under the bloodmoon will not trigger the time skip. - As of right now, I have not tested in multiplayer for a21. In a20, this mod did not work in multiplayer due to the 'isbloodmoon' check. If anyone is able to test and let me know if it does or does not work, I'll change this message. (A21 B324)
  23. Eventually, I probably will. Lately i'm really focused on other projects.
  24. As a quick fix, until they can get to it, you can hit F when you open the inventory and it will jump to the search box.
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