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  • Zombie cops can shoot opposite the direction they are facing


    Summary: Zombie cops can shoot opposite the direction they are facing


    Game Version: A20.4 (b42)

    Platform: PC Steam

    OS/Version: Win 10

    CPU Model: I5-2500k

    System Memory: 16GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: GTX970 (4GB if i remember correctly)

    Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

    Video Settings: Medium

    Game mode: SP RWG


    Did you wipe old saves? No

    Did you start a new game? Yes

    Did you validate your files? Yes

    Are you using any mods? Yes, Sorcery (which should not affect the behaviour of anything base game, only additions to it)

    EAC on or off? Off


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:

    Zombie cops can walk away from the player, stop and vomit in the players direction (through it's own model), without turning 


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


    1) Make a small gauntlet forcing the zombie cop to first walk a small way away from you

    2) Be in direct line of sight of the zombie cop (although it will have its back to you)

    3) Notice how it will vomit towards the player without turning


    Actual result: (description of what is occurring)

    Zombie cops being able to shoot opposite their facing direction


    Expected result: (what you expect to occur)

    Zombie cops not being able to shoot opposite their facing direction, but having to turn towards the player first before being able to do so (as has been the case in previous alphas).

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